Eight years ago, it was clear that whomever the Democrats nominated was going to become President. The public had grown tired of Bush, the media was in a full-on push to get a Democrat elected, the usual cyclical stuff. As the campaign season wore on, to my surprise in June 2008 Obama locked up the nomination. (Markets tanked the next day, no surprise.)
That's it I thought. America has finally lost its mind.
Prior to that I used to weigh in on politics quite a lot on this blog. After that, well, my blogging has lagged considerably. I just lost heart. Why play chess with pigeons? Since then I have seen the same foolishness repeated here in Alberta and again in Canada as a whole. More than half the population has lost their freakin' minds.
But today's news conference by FBI director James Comey has forced me to speak up.
Hillary Clinton should face prosecution. Comey spent several minutes detailing her offenses, which start with having her non-secure private server for conducting government business. That right there is enough to disqualify her from ever holding elected office in the United States for the rest of her life. He went on to detail at least three instances where an item was classified as Secret or Top Secret when it was sent and/or received to/from her server. These are felonies.
And then, in his conclusion, Comey stated that "no reasonable prosecutor" would file charges. I suppose his definition of "reasonable" must mean "one who doesn't want himself or a loved one to end up dead".
Hillary at the very least is guilty of gross negligence in her handling of classified Top Secret information. Comey laid out the case for that in his press conference. That is all that is required for prosecution. Add to it the evasion of FOIA, and the conspiracy required to get Top Secret information off of secure servers and onto the open internet, and a prosecution is a slam-dunk.
If more than half the population doesn't care, and they elect her anyway, then America has indeed fundamentally transformed. It will have become a place where laws apply based on who you are, not objectively applied to everyone equally. That is very dangerous. It is particularly dangerous when the lawless majority is also dependent on the taxes paid by the lawful minority, which also happens to include most of the military veterans. It is a recipe for civil war, in the only remaining superpower. No way that gets confined to America's borders - who defends Hawaii during a civil war?
America, it is time to pull your heads out of your asses.